SEZ- Exports, Employment and Investment of A.P as on 2023-24
SEZ- Exports, Employment and Investment of A.P and Chhatisgar as on 2022-23
SEZ- Exports, Employment and Investment of A.P and Chhatisgar as on 2022-22(April to December)
SEZ- Exports, Employment and Investment of Telengana as on 2022-22(April to December)
SEZ- Exports, Employment and Investment of A.P and Chhatisgar as on 2022-22(April to June) |
SEZ- Exports, Employment and Investment of Telengana as on 2022-22(April to June) |
SEZ- Exports, Employment and Investment of A.P and Chhatisgar as on 2021-22 |
SEZ- Exports, Employment and Investment of Telengana as on 2021-22 |
SEZ- Exports, Employment and Investment of A.P and Chhatisgar 2020-21 |
SEZ- Exports, Employment and Investment of Telengana as on 2020-21 |
SEZ sectorwise exports,empolyment &Investment for 2018 -19 and 2019-2020 |
Sez wise unit information of AP,Telengana ,Chhatsgarh and VSEZ |
SEZ wise data on Andhra Pradesh and Chhatisgarh 2019-20 |
SEZ wise data on Telengana as on 2018-19 |
SEZ wise data on Telengana as on 2019-20 |
SEZ -Exports,Employment,Investment ofTelengana 2017-18 |
SEZ- Exports, Employment and Investment of A.P and Chhatisgarh – 2017-18 |
Exports_Employment_Investment_Reports Upto June 2017 |
Exports_Employment_Investment_Reports Upto March 2017 |
Statistical Data of SEZs as on August 2016 |
Exports_Employment_Investment_Reports Upto March 2016 |
Exports_Employment_Investment_Reports Upto December 2015 |
Exports_Employment_Investment_Reports July to September 2015 |
Exports_Employment_Investment_Reports April to June 2015 |
Exports_Employment_Investment_Reports Upto March 2015 |
Exports_Employment_Investment_Reports Upto March 2014 |
Exports_Employment_Investment_Reports Upto September 2013 |
Exports_Employment_Investment_Reports 2012-13 |
Exports_Employment_Investment_Reports 2011-12 |
Comparitive Statement for the years 2008-09, 2009-10 & 2010-11 |
Sectorwise breakup of exports 2008-09, 2009-10 & 2010-11 |
Operational PVT SEZs report 31.03.2011 |
Data on Export/Import, Investment and Employment in SEZs (2009-2010) under the Jurisdiction of Development Commissioner VSEZ |
Data on Export/Import, Investment and Employment in SEZs under the Jurisdiction of Development Commissioner VSEZ, 2010-2011. |
Data on VSEZ and Private SEZ Exports, Imports, Investement, Employment and Pvt SEZ FDI under the Jurisdiction of Development Commissioner VSEZ. |