Visakhapatnam Special Economic Zone

Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Government Of India

You do business... We take care of the rest...

Shri Narendra Modi
Prime Minister of India

Govt. of India | Ministry of Commerce and Industry

Visakhapatnam Special Economic Zone

You do business… We take care of the rest…

Shri Narendra Modi
Prime Minister of India

Statistical Data of SEZs


SEZ- Exports, Employment and Investment of A.P as on 2023-24 


SEZ- Exports, Employment and Investment of A.P and Chhatisgar as on 2022-23 

SEZ- Exports, Employment and Investment of A.P and Chhatisgar as on 2022-22(April to December)

SEZ- Exports, Employment and Investment of Telengana as on 2022-22(April to December)

SEZ- Exports, Employment and Investment of A.P and Chhatisgar as on 2022-22(April to June)
SEZ- Exports, Employment and Investment of Telengana as on 2022-22(April to June)
SEZ- Exports, Employment and Investment of A.P and Chhatisgar as on 2021-22
SEZ- Exports, Employment and Investment of Telengana as on 2021-22
SEZ- Exports, Employment and Investment of A.P and Chhatisgar 2020-21
SEZ- Exports, Employment and Investment of Telengana as on 2020-21
SEZ sectorwise exports,empolyment &Investment for 2018 -19 and 2019-2020
Sez wise unit information of AP,Telengana ,Chhatsgarh and VSEZ
SEZ wise data on Andhra Pradesh and Chhatisgarh 2019-20
SEZ wise data on Telengana as on 2018-19
SEZ wise data on Telengana as on 2019-20
SEZ -Exports,Employment,Investment ofTelengana 2017-18
SEZ- Exports, Employment and Investment of A.P and Chhatisgarh – 2017-18
Exports_Employment_Investment_Reports Upto June 2017
Exports_Employment_Investment_Reports Upto March 2017
Statistical Data of SEZs as on August 2016
Exports_Employment_Investment_Reports Upto March 2016
Exports_Employment_Investment_Reports Upto December 2015
Exports_Employment_Investment_Reports July to September 2015
Exports_Employment_Investment_Reports April to June 2015
Exports_Employment_Investment_Reports Upto March 2015
Exports_Employment_Investment_Reports Upto March 2014
Exports_Employment_Investment_Reports Upto September 2013
Exports_Employment_Investment_Reports 2012-13
Exports_Employment_Investment_Reports 2011-12
Comparitive Statement for the years 2008-09, 2009-10 & 2010-11
Sectorwise breakup of exports 2008-09, 2009-10 & 2010-11
Operational PVT SEZs report 31.03.2011
Data on Export/Import, Investment and Employment in SEZs (2009-2010) under the Jurisdiction of Development Commissioner VSEZ
Data on Export/Import, Investment and Employment in SEZs under the Jurisdiction of Development Commissioner VSEZ, 2010-2011.
Data on VSEZ and Private SEZ Exports, Imports, Investement, Employment and Pvt SEZ FDI under the Jurisdiction of Development Commissioner VSEZ.

Statistical Data

Statistical Data is here
for SEZs!